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Meet Alix from Old HK Lights

Turning your lifelong passions into a thriving business is no easy feat, but that's exactly what the founder of Old HK Lights, Alix Delahaye, has accomplished. With a deep-rooted love for thrifting and a natural talent for crafting, this visionary entrepreneur has created a sustainable concept that not only sparks joy but also fills a void in the market.

Hailing from France, Alix brought a unique perspective to the Hong Kong landscape, scouring thrift stores and vintage shops for the perfect pieces to transform into stunning, eco-friendly candles. Her fondness for antique and vintage items is evident in every product, as they breathe new life into forgotten treasures.

Our guest of the day

Meet Alix

Alix, a French mom of three who has called Hong Kong home for the past six years, has poured her heart and soul into this venture. Her lifelong experience in candle-making, passed down from her mother, has allowed her to create scents that are both captivating and natural.

What drove you to create Old HK Lights?

Well, it all started with my personal passion for thrifting. I've always been the kind of person who loves rummaging through flea markets and second-hand shops, searching for hidden gems. And over the years, I've grown really fond of the antique and vintage pieces I could find here in HK. From a young age, my mother taught me the art of candle-making, and I've always found the process of crafting scents to be incredibly fulfilling.

Creating Old HK Lights helped me turn two of my biggest passions - thrifting and crafting - into a professional occupation. I get to spend my days hunting down unique light fixtures and giving them a new lease on life through upcycling and restoration. It's honestly the dream job!

What serves as your inspiration? And how do you approach working with various ingredients?

First off, my family and the places I grew up in have always been a big part of it. We're a bunch of keepers and connoisseurs, always going on about beautiful objects and curated memories.

And then there's the place I live now - Hong Kong. It takes a while to really appreciate this city, but once you do, the inspirations just start popping up everywhere. I love discovering those little villages in the New Territories, the pawnshops, and the old buildings over in Kowloon. It's like stepping back in time.

And personally I love Sophie Conran's style - that mix of vintage inspiration that looks so spot on, even today.

What do you love about Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is a real gem - it's like nowhere else on Earth. The mix of nature and concrete jungle is just mental, one minute you're wandering through tranquil parks and hiking up lush green mountains, the next you're smack bang in the middle of a gleaming skyscraper forest. It really is a proper unique vibe.

And then there's the mix of modernity and local culture - it's like two worlds colliding, but in the best way possible. You've got your high-tech everything and sleek modern architecture, but then you stumble upon these old-school local shops and street markets that make you feel like you've taken a step back in time.

What does the word “Future Nature” mean to you?

It's all about respecting the natural order, learning from it, and building stuff that's in sync with it. Simple as that.

Just take a step back and observe how things work in the natural world, we might just pick up a thing or two about sustainability and living in harmony.

Old Hk Lights

Discover the collection curated by Alix and an exclusive new scent just for Ellermann Garden.